Category: Microsoft

  • Microsoft Whiteboard Updated

    Microsoft Whiteboard Updated

    This week, the Microsoft Whiteboard underwent some significant updates to both its interface and functionality. There are several changes, so I created a YouTube video on these, but here are a few highlights. Check out the video I posted for a tour of all of the above (and more)

  • Online Video Editing

    The move into more Cloud services has taken hold for both business and consumer markets. The convenience of Cloud Storage for back-ups has grown into an entire Infrastructure solution with Storage, Compute, Networking, Development, Infrastructure, Platform, and Software as a Service. While I could write pages and pages on any of these areas of Cloud…

  • Microsoft Spaces: Adding 360 environments into MS Teams

    Microsoft Spaces: Adding 360 environments into MS Teams

    The buzz around “Web 3.0” continues to increase – but normally these conversations involve some sort of discussion about Crypto Currencies or NTFs. What is more exciting to me is the advent of immersive Internet environments – currently referred to as “The Metaverse” – although there are many and it should be pluralized at least…

  • Automating Microsoft Teams

    Power Automate works across Microsoft products and allows us to automate simple to complex tasks. The ability to perform routine tasks consistently and efficiently has always been one of the most compelling aspects of computers in general, but Power Automate extends these functions far beyond simple batch files, backups, and repetitions of set tasks. Now,…

  • Many Changes to Microsoft Whiteboard

    This past week was a busy one for me on my YouTube channel (Learning and Technology with Frank). One of the topics I cover on the channel is Microsoft Whiteboard and this week we saw the new version come to the desktop – along with updates to the Web and Microsoft Teams versions. As a…

  • Going back to the OLD Whiteboard

    The new Microsoft Whiteboard is full of challenges – so I’ve been asked many times how to install the old version.

  • Teams – Live Components

    Real-time collaboration on documents, task-lists, and more has arrived for Microsoft Teams in the form of Live Components. This soon-to-arrive feature of Teams will allow users to collaborate in a Teams Chat. Currently in Public Preview – we can expect this feature to roll-out in the next couple of months. I think that as users…