Category: Technology

  • Micro-Learning and the Future of Education

    Micro-Learning and the Future of Education

    Since the advent of formalized education, there have been those suggesting it is outdated and about to radically change. While changes do occur, can occur, and should occur – it’s also a bit reactionary to jump at each new trend and suggest it will replace all that has gone before. Radio in Education, Cable TV…

  • Analytics – without the prefix

    Analytics – without the prefix

    Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Financial Analytics, AI-Driven Analytics – there seems to be little shortage of different analytical focus points and tools. It may be worth making some effort to understand analytics in general – without the prefix. What are Analytics and how do they relate to Analysis? In the programs I teach, I have…

  • Hardware for Hybrid

    Hardware for Hybrid

    Creating a Hybrid Teaching/Training Room Creating a true hybrid teaching room has a cost associated with it, but often comes with many benefits. These rooms, when designed, can have easy to use “1-button” solutions that allow an Instructor to teach to the in-class audience and also support remote learners that attend via a Teams or…

  • Cloud Services Overview

    Cloud Services Overview

    Whenever I discuss Cloud Services – online or in person – I still receive hesitation by some. It seems that the fear of Social Media data mining has, somehow, been extended to include Cloud Services. While still a small percentage of “dislikes”, there are few other topics on my YouTube channel that evoke such passionate…

  • Microsoft Whiteboard Updated

    Microsoft Whiteboard Updated

    This week, the Microsoft Whiteboard underwent some significant updates to both its interface and functionality. There are several changes, so I created a YouTube video on these, but here are a few highlights. Check out the video I posted for a tour of all of the above (and more)

  • Data Engineering – evolving the Program I’m Teaching

    Data Engineering – evolving the Program I’m Teaching

    My role as an Instructor for a Post-Graduate, Fast-Track program involves some challenges and some huge benefits. The challenges are always time, and time, and time – there is a lot to learn in a short period of time. This means that the level of self-efficacy amongst the students has to be extraordinarily high. Fortunately,…

  • Digital Whiteboards – an Essential Tool

    There are very few images that bring up the concept of education as the picture of a chalkboard. The idea of teaching without this tool (or it’s contemporary equivalent – the dry-erase board) seems impossible.  We’ve been using a board at the front of a room to teach for a very long time. There are…

  • ChatGPT and Education

    The pace at which ChatGPT has captured the imagination of the public is astounding. As a relatively new service, it seems impossible to avoid hearing about it across all forms of media – traditional to social. While it will certainly affect all aspects of life – especially with big investments by companies such as Microsoft…

  • AI Will Change Education – We Need to Adapt

    Will AI tools such as ChatGPT force us to rethink how we teach? I think so.

  • Is Meta Genius? Will they dominate the future?

    Is it possible that META could be the smartest tech company on the planet right now? That’s a controversial question and there are a lot of differing opinions on whether META is making the right choices in how they are running their company these days. I won’t be able to answer the question definitively, but…