Category: Virtualization

  • 5 Reasons NOT to buy a new computer

    Every year when school is about to start – I’m asked about whether I think people need a new computer for school. This used to be a much easier question to answer. My rough rule of thumb was a new PC every 3 years, and a new Mac every 5 years. While this wasn’t a…

  • Virtualization – extending my classroom

    When students begin learning about new technology, there is an assumption that they already possess certain foundational skills: file management, the ability to download resources, Internet skills. While mostly true – this cannot be assumed and I often test to see if they do. Giving them assignments and introductory activities to confirm. However, one skill…

  • VMs on an M1 Mac Mini

    The new Mac Mini with an M1 chip is incredibly powerful and versatile. I’ve been a fan of these small systems for quite some time and have used them for building different labs to learn and use Virtual Machines. Unfortunately, at the time of this post, the VMWare Fusion software doesn’t seem to work with…