Tag: edtech

  • Micro-Learning and the Future of Education

    Micro-Learning and the Future of Education

    Since the advent of formalized education, there have been those suggesting it is outdated and about to radically change. While changes do occur, can occur, and should occur – it’s also a bit reactionary to jump at each new trend and suggest it will replace all that has gone before. Radio in Education, Cable TV…

  • Making Online Courses Engaging

    Making Online Courses Engaging

    The challenge with a lot of online courses, at least in my opinion, is that they are actually pretty boring. The pattern they follow seems to be: That’s pretty boring. It doesn’t surprise me that completion rates for these types of online courses is low. What we need are to take best practices from classroom…

  • Microsoft Whiteboard Updated

    Microsoft Whiteboard Updated

    This week, the Microsoft Whiteboard underwent some significant updates to both its interface and functionality. There are several changes, so I created a YouTube video on these, but here are a few highlights. Check out the video I posted for a tour of all of the above (and more)

  • Taking Notes – how do we make them useful?

    Taking Notes – how do we make them useful?

    Note-taking for learning, research, and to try to stay organized and capture experiences is something I think almost everyone does. It’s certainly a popular topic in the “Productivity” space on Social Media. There’s the Journalling Influencers – with their Moleskin and Leuchtturm books – filled with Bullet Journals, sketches, and the “da Vinci Way” Then,…

  • AI Will Change Education – We Need to Adapt

    Will AI tools such as ChatGPT force us to rethink how we teach? I think so.

  • Productive Learning Using Technology

    Technology as an enabling tool in education is far from a new idea. The ability to leverage technology to assist in the learning process is a vast topic – and one that is at the heart of the majority of my writing, my teaching, and my YouTube Channel. Placing structure before toolsets is important. The…

  • Resources for Teaching and Learning

    Resources for Teaching and Learning

    This isn’t as much of a BLOG post as just a list of some resources I have for Teaching, Learning, and Remote work. I was asked to share this – so I thought I’d make it available here.

  • Wireless Webcam – a classroom essential – CAMO Update!

    The latest update to the CAMO software adds a very useful feature – the ability to go wireless. CAMO has been an excellent tool to turn your phone into a webcam – which is useful for those times you find a system without a built-in camera – or when you want to show different angles,…

  • Teaching Technology – the SAMR Model Approach

    Developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the SAMR is a valuable tool when thinking about technology. It’s a simple, but effective way to put a lens against technology to contextualize what it is being used for: Enhancement or Transformation. When approaching technical skills, I have long believed that it’s critical to provide a deeper context for…

  • Beyond a Webcam: Better Presentation Tools

    Beyond a Webcam: Better Presentation Tools

    Our reality today is that we will be working with webcams in our work life. Whether a few days a week of remote work, a meeting that spans geography, or a “face-to-face” interview or discussion – webcams are now a larger part of our work life then ever before. In many ways, the built in…